fabtic is thrilled to be working in the US from 1 to 8 December 2013, presenting at an international conference on juvenile firesetting, delivering training to the New Jersey Fire Department and visiting the clinic of Professor David Kolko.
Managing Director Joanna Foster will be opening the 11th Annual New Jersey Juvenile Firesetters Intervention Conference as its keynote speaker. Presenting The Case of “Josie”, a Child at Risk of Significant Harm, Joanna will talk about her direct work over a twelve-month period to directly address one child’s firesetting behaviour. Joanna will discuss the motives behind Josie’s firesetting, the practical strategies used to address the behaviour and the importance of multi-agency working to ensure the short and long-term safety of Josie, due to the severe neglect she suffered at home.
Prior to the two-day conference on 5 and 6 December, Joanna will be delivering training to firesetter personnel from the New Jersey Fire Department through a series of half-day workshops, along with visiting the offices of the New York Fire Department and meeting their firesetters team and fire investigation officers.
From New Jersey, Joanna travels to Pittsburgh and the clinic of Professor David Kolko. Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology and Paediatrics, David is the leading international name in the field of juvenile firesetting research and intervention. Joanna is honoured to be spending time with David at the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, learning from his practice and discussing together the introduction of a validated firesetting risk assessment tool into the UK.
If you would like to find out more information about any of the above, please email info@fabtic.co.uk